Friday, January 1, 2021

goodbye to one annus horribilis, hello to another

So I've been keeping a journal since 2014. 

Some years the journal is short (2014's is only 4,000 words long, 2017's is non-existent), some years it's long (this year's holds the record 103,000 words in length). As such, I've decided to post a few non-incriminating excerpts from the journal, looking back on the pandemic year.

It's mostly dreams and political observations, partly because I didn't feel comfortable posting anything more personal about myself and partly because I didn't do anything exciting this year, on account of the lockdown (or so I keep telling myself).

This blog was a really dumb idea

 I haven't updated it in over a year. Sorry (apologizing to myself here, because no one is reading this).  I chose to go with a blog for...